The Cataclysm is getting closer with each passing day and our Shared Topics have become increasingly more and more about the expansion. This week was no different as Spinks from Welcome to Spinksville! suggested we talk about things we believe need to change, or, erm, die in a fire with the rest of old Azeroth.
Cataclysm is coming! The old world is going to be destroyed and remade.
Which town, quest, NPC, or zone really needs to be purged with fire, in your opinion? Will you enjoy dancing on the ashes of a particularly hated quest giver? Or is there some zone you avoid like the plague (plaguelands excluded) where being nuked from orbit could only improve the experience? And why do you hate it/them so much?
Wanting stuff to die in a fire are:
Zan from Altoholics Anonymous
Morynne from Marks 365
Glassofwater from Not So Overpowered
Ecclesiasticaldiscipline from Ecclesiastical Discipline
Windsoar from Jaded Alt
Saga from Girls Don’t Play WoW
Ardol from WoW Philosophized
Chyllyphylly from Nerfed (although the link seems broken at the moment…)
Anexxia from Bible of Dreams
Dragonray from Arcane Ramblings
Calsong from Mind Spike
Antigen from Haz Mace, Will Raid
Sindei from Six-Inch Heals
Herculano from Herc the Merc
Manroth from At Runtime
Tarinae from A Healadin’s Tear
Flairn from The Cognisance Council
This upcoming week’s Shared Topic is another very current topic, but completely different from Cataclysm. It’s Fifa World Cup, Warcraft style! Bring some of the World Cup fever to your game by blogging on how the World Cup would pan out if it took place in Azeroth, then be sure to post a link in the thread at Blog Azeroth!
Curious about other upcoming Shared Topics? Check out
Battleground Leaders
When Should a Healer Let Someone Die?
What has WoW taught you?
And as usual, we’re always looking forward to seeing new topic suggestions, so if there’s a topic you’d love to see discussed across the blogosphere, don’t be shy! Suggest it in the Shared Topic forum at Blog Azeroth.
Hi thanks for the mention.
I had to redo my site, so my post is now at
Well this is too easy. Murlocs should die for sure in fire. This would serve two purposes. We would be rid of these annoying noisy creatures with their “garblegarblegarble” and we could have a wonderful cookout. I’ll bring the skewers.