Blog Tipping: Feedburner

Hey everyone! Anna here, as usual.

I’ve gotten a bit of feedback (hee hee) regarding my Feedburner blog tip, and wanted to offer a bit of a walkthrough for setting up your burned RSS feed.

First – go to – you’ll see there’s a big blank box in the middle of the page under […]

Episode 6- Chicks Dig Kodos

This week we have all the ingredients for a great party, one Chick GM, a tip, one shared topic and kodos, lots of kodos.


Anna’s Blog Tipping: Statistics (part 1)

Hey everyone! Time for a mid-week blogger tip!

Know your readers (part 1)

Sounds simple, right? But if you think about it, without using some kind of tracking, you have no idea who reads your page or how they get there. The first part of knowing your readers is using a blog statistics tracker like […]