Resource Site Spotlight – Icy Veins

Hello Twisted-Netherati and welcome! Today’s spotlight is one of my go-to favs.


Icy Veins is rather new to the scene. Beating many other guide sites to the punch, it opened in early 2011 and was posting up to the minute class guides as soon as Mists of Pandaria hit the mean streets of […]

Resource Site Spotlight – Blog Azeroth

Hello Twisted Netherites! I feel that it’s always best to begin at the beginning as they say! So where else would you start with a new contributor (me) then to begin with the site we all love and know.

I’m sure many of you found Twisted Nether by looking for a resource […]

Resource Site Spotlight – HandyNotes for Hallow’s End

Freshly pressed, as in 2 hours ago, a certain someone I follow on Google+ posted an following article he wrote on his site Ethan Centaurai

The article, entitled Introducing “HandyNotes for Hallow’s End” caught my attention immediately for two reasons: * This is an addon, written by this very individual * It deals […]

Resource Site Spotlight – WoW Headlines


Do you know what I love?


Well of course you don’t, so I’ll tell you – specialized content aggregation apps/sites that are well designed with non-cluttered interfaces.

I need to explain that statement.

Have you ever tried out any apps on your smartphone or tablet that aggregates content from a large […]

Resource Site Spotlight – Undermine Journal Revisited

Back in Feb. of 2011 we featured The Undermine Journal as an RSS early in it’s lifespan. Since then The Undermine Journal has remained consistent but has become very feature rich and worth every second you spend reading the site.

There is a specific “Journal” for every realm including each faction and even spotlighting […]