I have no excuse for why I’m posting this on the last day of the shared topic week. I have a reminder on my phone to check the forums every Monday, on Monday I checked it and saw a new one was posted, and I got busy and completely forgot. I do humbly apologize.
However we had a great deal of action on this shared topic, which is AWESOME, so let’s get right down to it!
This one comes to us from Mataoka of Sugar & Blood
Blog Azeroth: What vows would your character say, intend, or break, and to what allegiance? Would it be to class/race/specialization, deity, or ruler? This is quite a challenging Blog Azeroth topic, however, I know you are all up to it because you are amazing writers.
Matty wrote this post to start the topic off – Oathmaker.
Sharden at 15 Minutes of WoW had this post on Oaths
Dragonray from Azerothian Life had this post on Oaths
Amerence from Amerence Love WoW made this Oaths post
Melanie aka Velgana on the Blog Azeroth forums made her post on Oaths on her site – Adventures in Skywall
And finally we have Tome of the Ancient writing on The Oathmaker
Needless to say, you can still make your contribution by reading each of these wonderful posts, commenting on there respective sites, commenting on the Shared Topic thread on Blog Azeroth, or responding to this post here in the comments below!
Get writing people!! New Blog Azeroth Shared Topic for the forthcoming week will be posted this afternoon!
Blog Azeroth Shared Topic: Oaths (4th Jan – 10th Jan) http://t.co/96bmXFguWy
RT @twistednether: Blog Azeroth Shared Topic: Oaths (4th Jan – 10th Jan) http://t.co/96bmXFguWy
RT @twistednether: Blog Azeroth Shared Topic: Oaths (4th Jan – 10th Jan) http://t.co/96bmXFguWy
RT @twistednether: Blog Azeroth Shared Topic: Oaths (4th Jan – 10th Jan) http://t.co/96bmXFguWy