Hello Everyone! I’d like you to join me in welcoming Lance of Pandaren Monk.
Lance has been playing WoW since vanilla. As the cataclysm hit, lance started to lose interest in the game, but the recent announcement of the upcoming Mists of Pandaria expansion has renewed his interests in WoW. He found himself very excited about all things Pandaren and decided to begin exploring the race and the new Monk class. In addition to taking an early look at the talent calculators, he has also given some thought to how monks might work with active mitigation.
If all of that seems very heavy, don’t worry! Lance has taken some time to sit down and consider the really important aspects of what being a Pandarian is all about. You know, things like the importance of picking a proper Pandaren Name. You might also want to reconsider your thoughts on the new Pandaren racial after reading his thoughts on being bouncy.
I know I’m certainly looking forward to more panda philosophy! Welcome to the blogosphere, Lance!
Every Tuesday, Beruthiel from Falling Leaves and Wings is bringing you the Welcome Wagon, introducing new bloggers and great reads. If you know of a new blog to the scene or wish to get your name out there, please send an email to fallingleaves51@gmail.com, with the subject line “Welcome Wagon.” She’ll do her best to highlight as many as possible