Episode 104 – Pocket Full Of Blizzcon

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image This week we’re back even more (full-back instead of half-back?). Hydra has returned from Maternity leave and we’ve even got an interview! Yes, we welcome Pocket from Slash AFK Webcomic and the 3 Girls, One Group podcast. We have a great discussion on webcomics and then go DEEP into the news. Lots of 4.0.1 and Cataclysm information. Of course there is a discussion on the Guild Cap (now 1000 from 600) and we spent an inordinate amount of time helping YOU get ready for Blizzcon!

Warning.. We Talk about Cataclysm!


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Twisted News:

Limit to guilds was set to 600 … and then to 1000 .. Is that enough? Link

from Euripides from OutDPS in his Gold Capped column on Wow Insider:
Because of changes to auction house in 4.0.1, Lots of popular AH addons are breaking. Link

Authenticator Changes:
Blizzard has made a policy change to its Authenticator security devices and programs in an effort to better protect Battle.net game accounts. Link

Cataclysm adds a couple of security features linked to the authenticator, you can now restrict guild ranks to people using Authenticators. Link

World of warcraft reaches 12 million players. Link

Level 80 Balancing in 4.0.1 Link

Justice Point Drop Qtys Link

Hallow’s End is from 10/18-10/31

HOT Topics from the Nether!

Blizzcon Questions:
Well, this time we are talking about the meta-con.

* What to bring
* What to wear
* Who to hang out with (duh!)
* What will be there
* more…

TNT Blizzcon Meetup/Party: We’ll be trying to broadcast from the show (with video!). We MIGHT be giving something away to someone in the chat channel during the party when we do our giveaway.. Again, if you are going to Blizzcon, you already have something to do Friday night.. Our meetup/party! Link


A Look Back on the x.0 Patches (I Sheep Things…) Link
The Indispensible Man (Grimmtooth’s Troops) Link
Cataclysm Guild Changes (spoiler -free) (Bag Overflow) Link
Guild Advancement 101 (World of Matticus) Link

Larisa from The Pink Pigtail Inn AND Tobold from Tobold’s MMORPG Blog have decided, at least for now, that, although they are not closing up shop, they will be taking a bit of a step back from their blogs and reducing the number of posts they have been doing each week and maybe not taking as personal an interest in all the comments, etc. they get.

Shared Topic This Week

Each week on BlogAzeroth a new topic is posted for general blogging. We encourage our listeners to post about that topic on their own blog and then post a link to it in the forum. After the topic has had some response Ophelie (Oh-fay-lee) posts it up on the TwistedNether blog. If you don’t have a blog.. get one 🙂 or feel free to post your take on this topic as a comment on the TwistedNether blog post.

The first topic was a suggestion of Pndrev from Primetime Casual. He started a little game: mixing and matching talent trees from different classes to create a brand new class:

It’s quite simple. We’ll do it LEGO style. Take each available talent tree (either WotLK or Cata, if you’re in the Beta). Shake. Pick three.

To elaborate: Out of all the talent trees available, if you could freely choose three to create your own, ‘custom’ class, which ones would you choose? This is something that a few small budget roguelikes or diablo clones do, and it’s fun to ponder if this would work in WoW as well.
Your starting class gives you the skills to work with. You may take for granted that all talents that enhance a class skill also automatically give you that skill. You must have at least one talent tree of your chosen starting class.

As for last week’s Topic, it was brought to you by Runzwithfire from the blog Runzwithfire and touches on the controversial topic: Games as Art, is it possible with WoW?

could an MMORPG start incorporating some of the feature we take for granted in singleplayer RPGs? Rather than the “get quest, kill x number of things, hand in quest” formula, could we start seeing multiple ways to complete a quest? Could there be moral choices to be made, with an outcome that will affect both you as a player (emotional involvement) and your character (rewards/penalties). Larisa at The Pigtail Inn has already alluded to a similar idea.

I think I’ll pop this up as a discussion topic on my site with a full post later, but I’d love to see what other people in the blogosphere think of it. Could it be done? If so, how would you do it? What would you like to see? Would it take away from what WoW essentially is?

New to Blog Azeroth

We’d like to welcome all of the new bloggers who introduced themselves on Blog Azeroth. This week we saw posts from::

– (Gold Making) Follow the Gold Road
– (Death Knight) Runeforge Gossip
– (General) Anax Rampant
– (Priest PvP) The Warsong Priest
– (Elemental Shaman) Crispy Hands
– (General) This Is Your Brain On WoW
– (General) Lich King No More

We encourage everyone to also check out the TNB Wiki Big List of Blogs.

Coming Soon…

Episode 105 will be recorded on Saturday October 16, 2010 – 8pm PDT!

To be included in our episodes send TNB your MP3′s (info@twistednether.net) or call into our hotline at 407-705-3161. We look forward to hearing from our fans.

(Opening song “Monster Techno Blues” is preformed Joe Sibol, provided by podssafeaudio.com)

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