It’s that time of expansion! Where you don’t want to do anything more exciting than running circles around Dalaran until the next addition to the game is released. Yet some of us still manage to find the motivation to go on, and keep our interest in the game. Want to know our secrets? Check out all the responses to Jaedia from The Lazy Sniper’s Shared Topic suggestion!
With Cataclysm only months away (we can assume), a lot of players are finding themselves bored with current content. How do you, your friends, and/or your guild conquer the pre-expansion slump?
Participating were:
Manroth from At Runtime
Variantavatar from Variant Avatar
Ardol from WoW Philosophized
Ringo Flinthammer from Flinthammer Hall
Herculano from Herc the Merc
Ecclesiaticaldiscipline from Ecclesiastical Discipline
Anslym from Totem Tossing
Ophelie from The Bossy Pally and the Giant Spoon
Evensong from Healing Through Stupid
Sindei from Six-Inch Heals
Gweninu from Out of Ammo
Windsoar from Jaded Alt
Anexxia from Bible of Dreams
Nesithan from Life After
Angelya from Revive and Rejuvenate
Calsong from Mind Spike
Just as a reminder to everyone taking part in Shared Topics, make sure you link back to either the topic suggester or the relevant thread at Blog Azeroth or both in your Shared Topic posts. (I used this week’s links as an example.) Shared Topics are shared, so spread the love to your fellow participating bloggers!
And if you’re reading this and saying “I have a blog but I’ve never done a Shared Topic…”, then you should do a Shared Topic! This week we’re staying in the Cataclysmish department as we discuss what needs to die in a fire in the expansion. Join in by posting about it and reporting back to the thread on Blog Azeroth. If you don’t have a blog but would still like to say a few things about it, feel free to answer in a comment to this post, to next week’s Shared Topic roundup or to the post of your favorite participating bloggers.
What other topics are coming up? Check out:
Worldcup Warcraft
Battleground Leaders
When should a healer let someone die?