If you have heard Episode 5 or been to the Twisted Nether site, you may know about our new project. We haz WIKI! That’s right, thanks to the great efforts of Auzara, Kestrel, Phae, and Loronar, we have a wiki to call our own.
This wiki is open to all and needs you help to keep it as up-to-date as possible.
This means go to the wiki site, see if your blog or the blogs you read are there. If not, there are several things you can do to let us know!
If you are an author of a blog and don’t see you site on the wiki, please let us know. Here are a couple of steps you will need to take:
Step 1:
Send us an email with your blog’s information. We would like the following format to make it easier for us to include:
- Name of site:
- Name of Author:
- Focus of site: General, mage, hunter, etc (Please pick one focus) If you aren’t sure what you are, email me at bre@twistednether.net and we can talk about it.
- URL of site:
- RSS feed URL:
Email that information to wiki@twistednether.net and subject as “TNB Wiki”. We will get to it as soon as well can :D.
Step 2:
Just like Wikipeda, we would like have some information on your site, when you site is added to the wiki, please create a username and edit your blog info. We are in the works getting a template set up for bloggers. Meanwhile, Phae’s entry will give you an idea of what to write. If you aren’t sure, feel free to email me.
Don’t see a blog on the wiki or a utility site? Let us know at wiki@twistednether.net, subject TNB Wiki. Please sent us the url and we will take care of the rest.
We are really hoping this will become a great resource that will make it easier for people to discover new blogs and sites they may have missed, but this is truly a community effort!