Bre is on a Break

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If you have listened to Ep. 40, You then know I am taking a sabbatical from the show. I leave you in Fim’s and Nib’s excellent hands.

Be nice to Nib, she bites 🙂

I will still be around the interwebs and if any of you would like to contact me via email, feel free to drop me a line at

<3 to each and every one of you.. Thank you all for making this such a wonderful experience. So long....and thanks for the fish! Many hugs, Bre

5 comments to Bre is on a Break

  • I know I said this at the live thing, but I’m gonna miss you and your laugh, Bre! It’s rich and infectious! /wailsey D:

    That said, if you need a break, you need a break, and Nib will make an excellent replacement.

    Thanks for the fun times and the warm welcome to BA, Bre. Oh, and not totally destroying me after my huge original geekout! /hugs

  • Hey Bre! We’ll love having Nib to tease and kid aroun with. But we will miss you.

    Enjoy your time off, and I hope all continues to be well.

    And Nib, feel free to *nom* Fim, somone has to keep him in line. 😛

  • Oh, woe is the wow blogging community

    Loosing so many people 🙁

    Damn you, “Real Life”, Damn you!
    [Imagine a violent fist shaking during this.]

  • gnomeDK

    You do a great job. I hope you enjoy your time off and don’t think you won’t be missed. Both you and Fim deserve a break after cranking out a huge 1 hour podcast each and every week!